Golden Leylandii Hedge, also known as x Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Castlewellan Gold' is a vigorous, evergreen hedging species with golden yellow foliage which turn a bronze tone in winter. Because of its dense and fast growing habit, x Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Castlewellan Gold' is ideal for sound barriers, privacy screens and if kept under control with regular clipping makes a superb formal hedge.
Growth rate: Very Fast 60cm+ per year
Overall height: Very Tall up to 10 metres
Position: Exposed, Full Shade, Full Sun, Coastal
Root Types: Pot Grown
Choose from our wide range of Golden Leylandii Hedge sizes and root types, or browse our other varieties of Leylandii Hedging plants.
Check our range of Leylandii Hedging or our other popular varieties of hedge that can be used as a great alternative to Golden Leylandii Hedge.