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Leylandii Hedge Plants

Leylandii Hedging, a group of fast growing evergreen conifers, is a vigorous, evergreen hedging species with fragrant, green or golden yellow foliage and is ideal for sound barriers, wind breaks, and privacy screens.

Leylandii Hedging consists of x Cupressocyparis leylandii, also known as Leyland Cypress or Green Leylandii and x Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’ also known as Golden Leylandii hedge.

Popular varieties of Leylandii Hedge Plants

Choose from our most popular varieties of Leylandii Hedging plants, available in a range of sizes and root types.

Green Leylandii Hedge

Green Leylandii Hedge

(x Cupressocyparis leylandii)

Green Leylandii is a very fast growing evergreen hedging plant, with fragrant green foliage that creates a dense screen.

Growth rate: Very Fast 60cm+ per year

Overall height: Very Tall up to 10 metres

Position: Full Sun, Coastal, Full Shade, Exposed

Root Types: Pot Grown

Golden Leylandii Hedge

Golden Leylandii Hedge

(x Cupressocyparis leylandii 'Castlewellan Gold')

Golden Leylandii is a fast growing evergreen hedging plant, with golden yellow foliage that creates a dense screen.

Growth rate: Very Fast 60cm+ per year

Overall height: Very Tall up to 10 metres

Position: Exposed, Full Shade, Full Sun, Coastal

Root Types: Pot Grown

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What is Leylandii Hedging?

Leylandii, scientifically known as Cupressocyparis leylandii, is a fast-growing coniferous tree widely utilised for privacy and hedging purposes in gardens and landscapes. Beyond its practical uses, Leylandii also offers a dense, evergreen aesthetic, contributing to both privacy and the overall greenery of garden spaces throughout the year.

Originally bred in the mid-19th century, Leylandii is a hybrid of two species of cypress trees - Cupressus macrocarpa and Chamaecyparis nootkatensis. This unique combination gives Leylandii its distinctive characteristics, making it a popular choice for gardeners and landscapers.

Leylandii Growth Rates

This hybrid tree, a result of crossing the Monterey cypress with the Nootka cypress, can achieve remarkable growth rates, often exceeding 90cm per year, making it an attractive option for creating quick and effective visual barriers. However, its vigorous growth requires regular maintenance to control height and spread, ensuring it doesn't become a nuisance to neighbouring properties.

Leylandii hedging plants

Benefits & Features of Leylandii Hedges

The Leylandii hedge, while known for its rapid growth and dense foliage, offers several benefits and features that make it an outstanding choice for gardeners and landscapers alike:

  • Rapid Privacy Screen: Due to its fast growth rate, Leylandii provides almost immediate privacy, quickly establishing a dense barrier.

  • Evergreen Beauty: Its lush, green foliage remains vibrant throughout the year, offering a permanent display of natural beauty.

  • Noise Reduction: The density of Leylandii hedges acts as an effective sound barrier, reducing noise pollution from roads and neighbours.

  • Windbreak: It serves as an excellent windbreak, protecting gardens and properties from strong winds.

  • Wildlife Habitat: Provides a safe haven and nesting area for birds and other wildlife, enhancing biodiversity.

  • Air Purification: Like other trees, Leylandii helps capture carbon dioxide and other pollutants, contributing to cleaner air.

  • Easy to Shape: Despite its rapid growth, Leylandii can be easily shaped and maintained with regular trimming.

  • Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of soil types and climatic conditions, making it a versatile choice for various landscapes.

Regular maintenance is crucial for promoting healthy growth of Leylandii hedges, ensuring they remain a vibrant and beneficial part of your garden.

Planting tips for Leylandii Hedge Plants

When considering planting Leylandii for a hedge, there are several important tips to keep in mind to ensure successful growth and integration into your garden landscape:

  • Spacing: Leylandii plants should be spaced approximately 60-90cm apart to allow sufficient room for growth while still forming a dense hedge. Close spacing will result in a quicker fill but can lead to competition for resources.

  • Planting Depth: Ensure the root ball of your Leylandii is planted level with the soil surface. Planting too deeply can stress the plant and impair growth.

  • Watering: Newly planted Leylandii require regular watering to establish their root system. Ensure the soil around the roots remains moist but not waterlogged, as this can lead to root rot.

  • Mulching: Applying a layer of mulch around the base of the plants can help retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and provide nutrients as it breaks down.

  • Feeding: Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in early spring to support the rapid growth of Leylandii. This provides essential nutrients for healthy development.

  • Pruning: Begin shaping and trimming early to encourage dense foliage growth from the base upwards. Annual pruning is recommended to maintain the desired height and shape of the hedge.

By following these planting and care tips, your Leylandii hedge will become an attractive and effective feature in your garden, offering privacy, beauty, and benefits to the local ecosystem.

Leylandii hedge spacing chart

Please see our Leylandii spacing chart below for specific planting distances for different types and sizes of Leylandii hedge plants.


Preferred Soil Types

Leylandii thrives in a wide range of soil types, which contributes to its popularity among gardeners and landscapers. For optimal growth, it prefers well-drained, fertile soil but is highly adaptable to various conditions, including clay, loam, and sandy soils. It's important to avoid areas where water tends to pool for extended periods, as Leylandii does not do well in waterlogged conditions. If planting in poorer quality soil, incorporating organic matter or well-rotted compost can significantly improve soil structure and fertility, promoting healthier growth. Soil pH is another consideration; Leylandii can grow in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline conditions. Testing your soil's pH before planting can help you determine if any adjustments are needed to create the ideal environment for your Leylandii hedge.

Optimal Positions

Choosing the optimal position for planting Leylandii is crucial for its health and growth. These hedges thrive best in areas that receive plenty of sunlight, although they can also tolerate partial shade. The ideal position for Leylandii hedges is one where they are protected from harsh, drying winds which can damage young plants and reduce growth rates. If your garden is particularly exposed, considering a windbreak or planting Leylandii in a sheltered area can be beneficial.

It's also important to consider the mature size of Leylandii when selecting a planting position. Ensure there is enough space for the hedge to grow both in height and width without encroaching on paths, buildings, or neighbouring properties. Being mindful of this can prevent future disputes and the need for excessive pruning, which can harm the health and appearance of the hedge.

In conclusion, selecting a sunny to partly shaded spot, shielding plants from strong winds, and accounting for the mature size of Leylandii will contribute to a healthy and attractive hedge that can offer privacy, sound reduction, and wind protection for many years.

Pruning and caring for Leylandii Hedges

Pruning and caring for Leylandii hedges are essential practices to ensure that they remain healthy, aesthetically pleasing, and do not become a nuisance to neighbouring properties. Effective Leylandii hedge management involves the following steps:

  • Regular Pruning: To maintain the desired shape and height of a Leylandii hedge, regular pruning is a must. It’s recommended to trim the hedge at least once a year, but for faster-growing varieties or to achieve a denser appearance, twice a year may be necessary. The best times for pruning are late spring and mid to late summer.

  • Use the Right Tools: For the best results, use sharp, clean hedge trimmers or shears. This ensures clean cuts that heal quickly, minimising stress and the risk of disease.

  • Trimming Technique: When pruning, aim to taper the hedge slightly so that the base is wider than the top. This allows sunlight to reach the lower sections of the hedge, promoting dense, green growth throughout.

  • Height Management: If left unchecked, Leylandii can grow up to 3 metres (about 10 feet) in a single year. To prevent the hedge from becoming too tall and unmanageable, it's wise to establish a maximum height early on and prune accordingly.

  • Disposal of Clippings: After pruning, ensure that all clippings are collected and disposed of responsibly. Decomposing Leylandii clippings can be composted but may take longer to break down than other garden waste.

  • Monitor for Pests and Diseases: Regularly inspect your hedge for signs of pest infestations or disease. Early detection is key to managing potential issues before they escalate. Common concerns include cypress aphid infestations, which can cause browning of the foliage, and root rot from poor drainage.

  • Watering and Feeding: Though established Leylandii hedges are relatively drought-tolerant, during long periods of dry weather, additional watering may be beneficial. Supplementing with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in early spring can also support robust growth.

By adhering to these pruning and care guidelines, you can ensure your Leylandii hedge remains a vibrant, healthy, and integral part of your garden landscape, providing privacy and enhancing the overall aesthetic of your outdoor space.

Best time to prune Leylandii hedges

The best time to prune Leylandii hedges is during the late spring, after the risk of frost has passed, and again in mid to late summer, before the growth begins to slow down for the year. This timing allows the hedges to recover from pruning and put on a spurt of growth before entering a more dormant state during the cooler months.

Pruning Leylandii hedges at these optimal times ensures that the plants remain healthy and vibrant, with plenty of time to heal before the onset of winter. It also helps in maintaining their shape and preventing them from becoming too dense or top-heavy, which can lead to damage during high winds or heavy snow.

It's important to avoid heavy pruning in late fall or winter, as this can leave the hedges vulnerable to frost damage. Additionally, trimming Leylandii too early in the spring can stimulate new growth that may be damaged by late frosts. By adhering to the recommended pruning schedule, gardeners can keep their Leylandii hedges looking their best throughout the year, while also safeguarding the plants' health and longevity.


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